
 admin   2024-06-09 13:01   57 人阅读  0 条评论

防疫情周总结 Yesterday, it was sunny, but when it was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky turned to black. There were many dark clouds and it started to blow. After a little while, it

2017乌克兰议员打架 暴风雨 Rainstorm Yesterday, it was sunny, but when it was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the sky turned to black. There were many dark clouds and it started to blow. After a

河南暴雨保险作用 Rain, clouds, wind, fog, heavy rain/rainstorm, typhoon

济南疫情动态 After a long time of drought,farmers,ploughing in the hot sun,thoroughly wet,now and then look up at the sky searching for signs of dark,heavy clouds.When they are attacked

乌丹天气预报 翻译如下 预报说明天有暴雨 Weather forecast said there would be a downpour tomorrow.


北欧未来15天天气预报 天空就像孩子的面孔,说变就变,从今天早晨开始,天就一直有些昏暗. Sky like a child's face,tout changer,start from this morning,has been some dark days.可是过了一会儿

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