遭遇特大暴雨袭击英语翻译,torrential rain 中文翻译

 admin   2024-05-11 23:01   284 人阅读  0 条评论

疫情防疫语言 1.(usually bad or unfortunate) an experience 2.to meet; to run into sth

云南现在穿什么衣服合适12月份 用英语翻译(几天前,一个偏远地区遭到洪灾) Several days ago, a remote area was struck by the flood. The flood struck a lonely region a couple of days ago. The region

核聚变高温气体有吗 Chongqing was suffered by the flood

莱芜高温通风橱厂家 您好!遭遇 [简明汉英词典] befall bring up against come up against encounter incur rencontre 希望您满意!

云南泸沽湖近十五天天气 the great flooding in 1998 the huge flood disaster in 1998


暖宝宝 最高温度 rankly, every day, suddenly put a seven day long holiday do not meet, but also miss, greasy slanting together. Look at the photos they send in the group

川普和佩洛西的风景 为你解。最近南方地区发生的特大洪水给人民生活造成了严重影响。The catastrophic floods which took place in South China recently have a strong impact on

未来台风天气预报视频 1 suffer from (比如说,a very bad headache) 2 meet with- --

暴雨有手机版下载 flood [flʌd] n. 洪水, 水灾 The floods were a cataclysm from which the local people never recovered. 经历了这场特大洪水, 当地人民元气大伤, 很难恢复。


全国省会疫情 用caught 有遭遇的意思

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