
 admin   2024-04-12 17:01   161 人阅读  0 条评论

昆山集中隔离证明怎么开 你好,比较地道的说法应该是“terrible weather”

大沥有什么酒店 the weather is bad! 天气很差是the weather is so bad!

内蒙新冠疫苗批号在哪查 1。Because of the bad weather, we are unlikely to reach the destination before dark 2.I found speak fluent English is very difficult

河北保定幸福鸟 因为天气不好, xxx 将会 Because of the bad weather, there will..

春节韶关天气 because of the bad weather

前列腺炎怎么自测 The weather was bad. That's why he was late.He was late due to the weather.He was 还有很多表达方式。天气不好 的 “不好” 通常不用翻译。“开会”也通常不用翻译,

贵阳明天天气好文案 天气不好极了 The weather is the worst.

不动产登记所有权买卖 What a day!不单单可以形容天气,当你一天工作很累,你向朋友抱怨时你也可以说这句话,所以如果想对方更明确你的意思的话,个人认为还是直接把“weather”

台湾媛媛老师 红色龙卷风 Red Tornado; 剧烈龙卷风 Violent Tornado; 沙尘暴 sand storm 特大暴雨 extraordinary rainstorm


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