面对自然灾难图片 Last summer,big floods occurred in both the south and north of China.They were the most serious ones in this century.They caused great loses.Fields were ruined,houses
和平基因惊喜口令 In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, 在过去的一百年,有频繁发生的自然灾害,如洪水,干旱,泥石流,海啸,地震,风
株洲大碗先生老板 http://wenku.baidu.com/view/c633ea6925c52cc58bd6be4b.html
惠州明天天气好文案 Chongqing was suffered by the flood
墙面喷漆方法步骤 去年这个地区遭遇了60年一遇的大洪水。