
 admin   2024-02-24 12:01   79 人阅读  0 条评论

背调金融风险记录查询 I can't understand what you said.不算可以用,could you repeat it please?

这真的不是摩托车 对不起我英文不太好,可能交流有些困难. I am very sorry for my poor English, I may have some difficulties in comunicating with each of you. I am sorry, my English is not very

在大街上烤红薯视频 语言不通交流非常困难 Language barrier communication is very difficult 语言不通交流非常困难 Language barrier communication is very difficult

开心宝贝搞笑动漫 1.you're out of my way. i can't follow you. We are not the same type . 2.We have a gap. 其实我们有代沟基本就等于我们沟通困难 口语化非正式的场合,互相用无所谓

怎样查自己社保缴费情况 ◆Have difficulty in communicating with people.或◆Have difficulty in communicating with others.

什么样的星座会有爱情 but it's difficult to talk

和开心的人相处文案 我在和新同事交流方面有困难 I have trouble in communicate with new colleagues

13星座谁最暴躁呢 你好!交流困难 Communication difficulties

7月第一周天气 只是沟通困难。 Just be hard to communicate.


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