
 admin   2024-02-21 17:01   88 人阅读  0 条评论

东西不乱的人性格 每个人都有一段难忘的经历。 Everyone has an unforgettable experience. Everyone has a memorable experience. 采纳

小腿怕凉怕风吹 Everyone will experience kinds of difficulties while optimistic and active attitude make them perk up.

暗黑唐老鸭壁纸 gather more experience 积累经验 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [解释]gather experience [参考词典]汉英综合大词典

怎样才能把血压降低 时态不对吧 the experience that we have accumulated ================ the reason is very simple 是正确的

欢迎天使回家画画 积累自己的人生经验 accumulate ones life experience 有不会的可以再我


招远天气预报一周穿搭 每个人都有他们的第一次经历.英语Everyone has to experince what looks like at the first time.

气血不足的人怎么减肥 在每个人的一生中,经验的积累是一个必不可少的过程.The accumulation of experience is absolutely necessarily for each one's life.

深圳胃思宝医院怎样 一次难忘的经历An Unforgettable Experience This summer holiday, I went to Dalian with my family. We got there by air. Dalian is a very beautiful and modern city. On the bus,

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