
 admin   2023-06-20 10:01   109 人阅读  0 条评论

波阳县天气 the weather turns bad

北京4月居家隔离文件 The weather was bad. That's why he was late.He was late due to the weather.He was 还有很多表达方式。天气不好 的 “不好” 通常不用翻译。“开会”也通常不用翻译,

东莞执法冲突 天气不好极了 The weather is the worst.

安卓无广告天气 Today there is rain and snow, the weather is not very good, go out with an umbrella, pay attention to keep warm.

车管所春节调休吗 What a day!不单单可以形容天气,当你一天工作很累,你向朋友抱怨时你也可以说这句话,所以如果想对方更明确你的意思的话,个人认为还是直接把“weather”

玛多 天气 the weather is bad! 天气很差是the weather is so bad!

适合天蝎座的诗词 because of the bad weather

韩国情侣纹身综艺 因为天气不好, xxx 将会 Because of the bad weather, there will..

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