
 admin   2023-06-09 08:01   97 人阅读  0 条评论

邢台9月天气预报 要看什么语境。 你不要这么做--don't do it 那东西我不要了--I don't want it 你要喝咖啡吗?不要,谢谢。no,thanks。

皮皮不是虾 别这样Donotlikethat!Snapoutofit!Quitthat[doingthat]!Oh,comeon!都可以^_^

为什么天蝎座最恨背叛 You'd better not do sth. It's better not to do sth.

浪漫周末幸福美句 I think so ,But I can't do like that

齐齐哈尔附近有什么好玩的 Never start(begin)to do another thing when you have not finished something on hand 。Never start (begin ) to do another thing when you are still doing something unfinished 。

you re careful改为祈使句

叶曼命理 I have to get up early in the morning.I have to go to work even the weather is not good.I have to work late.

施工直接成本包括哪些 what to do and what not to do 或者 do's and don't's

易烊千玺起霸气网名 我要离开家,我永远也不要在进家。 I want to be away from home and never come back.

歌唱家李光羲怎么了 好题。首先要看那个志,是中文的,还是英文的。如果是英文的,英文文化圈造就的,则英文有用。如果不是,还要把英文翻译成中文才懂,基本没用。不信就算了。


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