不要对手机着迷英语翻译,着迷 英文

 admin   2023-11-14 02:01   79 人阅读  0 条评论

命理实例100讲 It's OK to use Mobile phone,but we can't wallow in it,we must use it properly and wisely

有阳性是不是要睡觉 可能是你空虚导致的吧,如果你很充足的话,早上起来就不会那么闲着浏览新闻,给自己其他的目标,本人刚买手机,一天上20小时网,基本在查有哪些或者软件,其

大川古镇天气 不做手机控Never be a phone phreaksNever be a phone freak.

开心超人有没有灰心 Don't play with the mobile phone in class, a waste of time to learn, to concentrate on study。应该是这样的

miui 天气遥控 玩手机不要太入迷 Don't be too excited to play with the phone


不到一年的新车年检 So I persuade you to spend less time on playing cell phone.

finish的英文过去式 不管肯定否定,都不用should advise sb. to do sth 建议某人要做某事 advise sb. not to do sth 建议某人不要做某事 固定搭配 所以这里是he advised the kids not to be

内乡天气记录 Don't over rely on your mobile phone. or Don't over rely on your cell phone.

我看到你酷酷的笑容 Rely on telephone very much.自己翻译的,望采纳


飞机坠毁天气 一般是这样的 没有请不要看手机 Please hold the handrail and watch your step safety!

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