幼儿穿厚一点衣服 Elephant's nose can Transport wood.大象的鼻子能运木头。
血色浪漫为自己的行为买单 大象能搬运物品 Elephants can carry items
宝宝睡觉一直很狰狞 What is an elephant good at? What does an elephant do well in?
肖战带货第一 大象可以用鼻子帮助人们 英文翻译 Elephants can help people with their noses
宁元天气 大象擅长什么 Elephants are good at swimming. 大象吃什么东西 Elephants eat bananas.
上海最新汽油价格 What is an elephant good at? It's good at drawing pictures.
阿坝 黄龙 天气 大象能搬运物品 Elephants can carry goods
夏真的60天 你好,为你解,正确案为What is the elephant doing?不明白请及时追,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢