
 admin   2023-08-21 00:01   107 人阅读  0 条评论

盈江地震6.29 What is the weather like in Beijing ?How is the weather in Beijing ?注意标点和时态,如果是过去发生的事就要用was代替is

冕宁新闻联播 首先呢,你的单词寒冷拼写错误 是 colder 然后 than应该加上 that 代表天气 天气不能和北京城市作比较 The weather here is colder than that in beijing

天蝎座炒饭什么意思 How is the weather in Beijing?北京天气怎么样

今日天气周至 Do you like beijing's weather?

不同天气护肤 1. 询天气情况的常用套语How's the weather today? 今天天气怎样?What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?How's the weather tomorrow? 明天天气怎样

南汇新城 天气 Terrible糟糕,,北京的天气怎样?? 很糟糕,太热了!

天气健康作文 What's the weather like?

三农粉丝团名字 he is used to the cold weather in winter in beijing 他已经习惯了北京冬天的天气 be used to 加名词 是习惯于某事 used to do 是过去常常做某事

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