大街看到帅哥的反应 cough
鹿晗星座命理 I cough, my pain?
前天福州天气 I always cough loudly
广州双峰天气 I am very well today though still coughing我今天和好但是我依然咳嗽
达斯天气 情景1——咳嗽(在医院)。医生你怎么了?Petter我一直在咳嗽, 还有些痰, 我的鼻子也不通气了。 我发烧了,感到很冷。 我的喉咙很疼。我不能吃东西。医生最
这样鲁豫 咳嗽 a cough 不断咳嗽 Constant cough
查看修水天气 coughed badly 咳嗽得厉害 剧烈咳嗽Anyway, God has sent me an invitation, said the Chinese leader, who coughed badly during the talks. “无所谓了,上帝已经向我发
美足把玩的经历 What' wrong with you?I have a bad cough.
天气正确用词 1.I was sleeping, suddenly was awakened by the loud noise on the street2.I was had to buy a plane ticket.5.Her make up, more beautiful than before.6.I have a cough / cough
金价一直在上涨 I cough.一般疑句Do you cough?你咳嗽吗?祝你开心如意!