
 admin   2023-08-02 17:01   79 人阅读  0 条评论

椒江江天气 One should be in charge of one's own deeds.学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

大家现在用什么下载音乐 A person must depend on himself/herself. 打字不易,如满意,望采纳。

昆山天气去年 anything need doing by yourself

镇江康飞p3移动方舱 凡事靠自己 Everything depends on yourself.

xin野天气 依靠自己 on her own account ; on his own account ; on my own a. 专靠自己 paddle her own canoe ; paddle his own canoe ; paddle . 倚靠自己 self-reliance 靠自己 stand

武安往日天气 楼主你好,很高兴为你解Everything must depend on oneself.希望对你有帮助~

六庠天气 当我总是叫妈妈帮我做事时,父亲总是说 自己的事要自己做 When I always asked my mother to help me to do something, my father always said my things to do by myself

小灶火天气 人一定要靠自己People must rely on their own

南宁天气前天 建议改为All depends on your own.或者 Live up to yourself Be your own boss Wiser today than yesterday 供参考。


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